



Forthcoming shows on
Friday the 13ths in
June 2013
in Kala Soudha @ 7.30 PM


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The Story of No. 13 Margosa Mahal

For the first time in the history of Kannada theatre, a theatre presentation conceptualized with special 5D effects.  The script, story, cast and even the auditorium are being carefully selected and scrutinised to suit the 5D effects.  Like many if you don't know about 5D its a performance which will entertain you through all the five senses - See, Hear, Touch, Smell & Taste.

Our main objective for this play is that the audience laugh & get scared at the same time. That's why the tag line "Horror was never so funny". Being associated with theater we had this urge to create a thriller and bring out the chills and thrills through it. 13 is our attempt to create a play which will keep the audience interested throughout and take them on a mysterious journey.

Number 13 is associated with lack of luck for times immemorial.  It has moved on from being just a myth and provided enough incidents and facts to associate itself with being unlucky. The myth has turned itself into a fearsome feeling for many, so much so that cities don’t have a 13th avenue, 13th street or 13th cross. It is truly for a reason that many buildings don’t have a 13th floor.  Many hotel guests refuse to stay in Room 13, so rooms are frequently numbered 12, 12A, and 14.  READ MORE







Show snapshots from Dec 13, 2013
Show snapshots from Jun 13, 2014
Listen to Theme Music
Watch Official Trailer
Watch dark story behind music of 13 MM



The play revolves around three men from the IT industry who are picked to attend a conference in one of the famous hill stations of south India. The story begins to grip the audience when the three encounter spooky happenings around them and their so called paid vacation turns into a scary experience. The play has five supporting characters who play an equally important part in generating the comedy, suspense & trills.

The play in its conception is very strong and grips the audience throughout, however it is a challenge to execute it and involves a lot of technical aspects including sound and lighting. The play will surely entertain and enthuse theater audience and provide them an edge of the seat experience in total. As the tagline suggests “ horror was never so funny” we promise to give you a healthy dose of spine chilling horror and rib tickling laughter.

The first version of the script was drafted after our other thriller Bembidada Bhootha & the English script was made ready by our dear friend Ameshea Brown from America.

Director: P D Sathish Chandra
Music: Raghu Dixit
Concept, Script & Ideation: P D Sathish Chandra
Kannada Script: Chandan Shankar

Directors Note

After we staged Bembidada Bhootha in 2004 I had been to a trekking holiday to the mysterious Nilgiri hills.  We ended up in a place which was quite spooky and had a tea shop owner.  He was as expressive as his stories, he narrated stories from British times and related it to many land mark buildings in the hill station. One of the stories was about why are foreigners so scared about the no. 13.  All this gave me a spooky idea of writing a short story.  Once the short story is made then I thought of making it into a short film.  With discussions amongst my volunteers and my team members we arrived at the script for 13.  I would like to thank Amesha Brown for her help in the English script for the play.

What I have noted largely in the past five years is that there is a fixed set of audiences for both Kannada & English theatre productions. Wherever there is a production we have the same set of audiences watching the play at different venues and more than 70% of the audience is repeated. This is not an encouraging development for healthy theatre, as we are not adding new audiences. This also stands out as the main difference between theatre in Bangalore and in other theatre-rich cities. As an old school theatre enthusiast, just mentioning or discussing this point was not enough for me. I felt a need and desire to do something about bringing back the masses into theatre. I was once advised by an avid theater lover who quoted "other large theatre groups are staging the same old Shakespeare, Karnad, Karanth and the likes. Why cant anyone or even you for that matter bring in a change??"  My discussions with various theatre groups and eminent personalities led me to figure out a way for myself, so started Pra.Ka.Sam & my productions to be staged at KH Kala Soudha & around the state.

P D Sathish Chandra


Sushma Veer: For enthusing us to make this a 5D experience & sharing her priceless thoughts.
Sihi Kahi Chandru:
For sharing his valuable advice on the development of the product.
Vishwanath R: For providing us with the water propelling technology.
John Devraj: For providing us with the body to be hung in the play.
Padma Ashok:
For giving us the most needed PR support.
Chandan Shankar: For being there from the beginning of the project and for his narrations.
Manjunath Jambe: An actor who has lent his hand to the production of the play.
R Kumarswamy: To do all the leg work and specially the typing of our recorded scripts.

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